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By tdtf - 16/03/2016 09:11 - Germany - Neuburg

Today, the company I work for decided to herald the step to becoming fully digital by hanging physical passive-aggressive flyers everywhere, urging everyone to go digital. Might as well have written, "Save the trees" on them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 808
You deserved it 1 508

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hypocrites, much? If they want everybody to go digital, text them or write a fricking email!


Make sure to remove all toilet paper from bathrooms too! Then, when someone hollers for some toilet paper, slide under the stall an iPad with a picture of toilet paper on it and "Go digital" on it.

Hypocrites, much? If they want everybody to go digital, text them or write a fricking email!

Why not just save the trees by cutting down trees... How stupid.

This whole situation is simply inconceivable ! A word of which I am still unsure of the actual definition .

Inconceivable: adjective not capable of being imagined or grasped mentally; unbelievable. "it seemed inconceivable that the president had been unaware of what was going on" synonyms: unbelievable, beyond belief, incredible, unthinkable, unimaginable, extremely unlikely

#7, you are amazing for going above and beyond for a commenter who could have just as easily googled that for himself. Props to you.

I could be wrong, but I believe 6 was referencing "The Princess Bride"…

#9- Yes, but the villain guy who employed two other men (a giant and a Spainard) used the word incorrectly. If it was actually a Princess Bride reference, wouldn't the commenter cite whom he was referencing? #8- thanks.

I got the reference immediately, I just wasn't sure why it was made. There doesn't seem to be anything particularly Vizzini-esque or even Princess Bride-y about this FML.

True, but perhaps #6 is a huge Princess Bride fan.

The connection was that the company does not understand the fundamental reason behind converting to digital files , which is why they posted their promotional flyers in paper form. Just like how in princess bride the villain clearly does not understand the use of the word " inconceivable" it could also be thought inconceivable that a profitable company could have an oversight like that . It was a bad joke haha

@17 Not a bad joke, just a pretty big stretch to use it here. :P

ShortieRose 30

tdtf? they didn't think fully?