By Jeri - 12/02/2010 08:41 - United States

Today, the day of my 29th birthday and two weeks after our 10th wedding anniversary, the only thing my husband got me for my birthday was divorce papers. Happy birthday, bitch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 657
You deserved it 4 946

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh please. I'm 22 and have been with my fiancee since we were 14. We've been living on our own for four years. We're getting married this year. We're in the real world. I'm a teacher, he's an engineer. People can know love at a young age and that love can last a lifetime. Just because you don't know it doesn't mean others don't. Our relationship has lasted longer than many people who get married in their 30's.

NeonWar__ 0

Comments does everyone know that the op wasn't a control freak bitch? op-if he served you divorce papers, then you like most women in N America, don't have the slightest idea how to treat and respect men. the women raised in N America are all about themselves and care nothing about how you treat men. the sad part is, is that you think you are being respectful, when you're not.

palmtrees 1

Fortunately, most of the men in North America don't know anything about how to treat women either, so it pretty much evens out.

Blueoceanz84 0

YDI for getting married at 19.

YDI. you should have made him a god damn sandwich. :)

ur fault for getting married at 18 comeon wait untill maybe you have a job/college

Ultimate_Cynic 0

YDI for getting married at all. Serves you right!

kelleyb323 0

anyone else think it's super pathetic that all these people are writing 500 word essays on FML trying to shove their ideas in everyones face? I can just picture them typing aggresively and restlessly waiting for a reply.. get a life. why do u care what these people think, second of all you are not near that persuasive to change peoples minds about marriage.

Ultimate_Cynic 0

Something about the comments section on any website just rewires people's brains. Perfectly intelligent, kind, rational people turn into slavering dolts bursting at the seams with ill-informed opinions and violent knee-jerk reactions. The best medicine is to laugh at them, and laugh hard.

awwww you poor girl that boy frin of urs well ur x is a ******* losser if he did that to you if you going to end it wait and have some good times and i dont mean sex i mean like go out supper or some thing and then try and tell you lattter like 3 weeks after ur b day iam a guy and i know this lol i fell bad for you if this is true

Sucks he did that on your birthday, but YDI for getting married at 18. There's no way around it.