By Jeri - 12/02/2010 08:41 - United States

Today, the day of my 29th birthday and two weeks after our 10th wedding anniversary, the only thing my husband got me for my birthday was divorce papers. Happy birthday, bitch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 657
You deserved it 4 946

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh please. I'm 22 and have been with my fiancee since we were 14. We've been living on our own for four years. We're getting married this year. We're in the real world. I'm a teacher, he's an engineer. People can know love at a young age and that love can last a lifetime. Just because you don't know it doesn't mean others don't. Our relationship has lasted longer than many people who get married in their 30's.

NeonWar__ 0


yes, He's a total jerk for poor timing - but in the long run, at least you won't have any regrets....who wouldn't be happy to be free of such a jerk? Plus, you're still young, and can now enjoy single life to the fullest.

monnanon 13

So what you are all saying is that people should NEVER marry young because it might....might after 10 years of marriage end in divorce. Have the people on here never taken a chance on something or someone. I dont understand how a few extra years of life could make a marriage work more. Some people have done a lot of living by the time they are 18 and where I am from you can get married from 16 onwards and 18 is generally accepted as an age where people know their own mind.

#179: That's the point -- in retrospect, most people a few years past the age of 18 look back at how they were at that age and realize they didn't have the maturity or enough life experience (no matter what they'd been through up to that point) to make a good choice in a lifelong partner. Perspective and choices rapidly change during a person's late teens and early twenties. The mate an 18 year old will choose is not usually who that same person would choose ten years later. The passage of time prevents a lot of mistakes if people are patient enough and wise enough to wait.

Alright, well I think it's ridiculous for some people on here to call her a ***** and say she deserves it because I did not see ,anywhere in this FML, the reason he served her papers. Just because they're getting divorced doesn't mean anyone cheated. Hell, my parents are divorced because my mom found out my dad didn't care about her and left him. Their passion might have died down and he might have been bored so he wanted out to find something new. Although it's pretty hard to find something new once you've been married, and especially when you have kids (if they have kids.) Second, I don't agree with getting married at 18 or 19 but whatever flips your burgers. I don't think, though, that she deserves a divorce because she got married young. They lasted 10 FRICKEN YEARS. That's a long time. That's longer than my parents lasted and they were 28 and 29 when they got married. I personally wouldn't consider getting married until I'm at least of legal drinking age. Still doesn't make her deserve what she got in any way. Read what I wrote above for a possible explanation as to why she did get what she did. Regardless, Good luck OP. Anyone who stays with you for 10 years and then serves you papers on your birthday isn't worth the tears. There's plenty more fish in the sea :]

starburgerdeluxe 0

Wow, I am really sorry that happened to you! I feel that if he didn't want to be in the marriage anymore he should have just talked about it first. I'm wondering if he waited until her bday to do this?! Well i hope you are okay and you don't worry, everything will get better from here!

that's what you get for marrying at eighteen. still ****** up though, he could have at least waited for the day after your birthday. take him to the cleaners

women get the stuff in the divorce cause thier too stupid to survive without it

My mother got the house, that was about it. That's because my dad knew that she needed it to take care of me and my sister. All he had to pay was child support and he couldn't really even do that. My mom didn't make a big deal about it because she could support us all by herself. Just like I can support myself, completely. Also, it's they're*

op your husband is obviously a comedic genius!

I would have laughed if part of the FML was that they'd gotten a pre-nup. I would never marry anyone without a pre-nup. Take half my stuff? Hahahahahhahahahahahaha! Not likely, bitch!

kelleyb323 0

that's what happens when you get married at 19