By InsideActress - 05/04/2009 19:11 - Canada

Today, the director of the play I'm in decided to explain why we got the parts we did. He said he tried matching our characters to who we actually are. I play a whore who's a transvestite. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 871
You deserved it 6 652

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what play are you doing?! sounds like you're doing Rocky Horror. if you're playing Dr.Frank-n-furter, take it as a complement.

I agree with #1, if you're doing rocky horror and you're Dr. Frank N. Furter, it is probably the best compliment ever that he thinks you've got the guts to be him. Now let's do the time warp!


To me it sounds like Angel from Rent. C: Am I correct? (And by the way, I looove her! :D ) And #6 is very true.

FreedomFirst 0

You should report him to his superior for saying that.

catsizedgoldfish 0

Well, since you're obviously so shallow that all you can say about your character is that she is a transvestite and a "*****" I could see why you're upset. I mean, does this character have no other traits? Most people would be glad to be cast in such a colorful role.

GoMeat4103 0

Balm in Gilead? ""I'll beat you over the head with your *****."

If you are - then so what? If you aren't - this is indeed an FML i would be inclinded to assume it's the latter but you never know

Ha! Happened to me once too, except I was the old grumpy racist man... ..which I wasn't, especially considering the fact that I'm a female and it was in Grade 7 or 8.

Just because the character is a travesty ***** doesn't mean he/she is a bad person