By Maleficia - 19/01/2017 08:25

Today, the government froze my bank account for not paying college debt, and now I can't access my 0.30 cents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 889
You deserved it 1 498

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What this person meant is that they didn't put a dollar sign, and if they had the word "cents" would be unnecessary. As they wrote it, 0.30 is the same as writing ".3" meaning that yes, technically OP wrote that they had .3 cents, which would be less than a cent, which means less than a penny.


Looks like you're cut off from your untold fortunes, OP. How dare you hold out that much on the government!

Say it with me... Income Based Repayment Plan! That's the beauty of government funded student loans. Unless they're all private student loans, then you're screwed.

I wasn't sure if this was a fyl or ydi because more likely it's the fault of the education system. College debt sucks and I hope you get your 30 cents back OP :(

ashyash90 8

How is this person refusing to pay back money they signed a contract agreeing to pay at a certain rate the fault of the education system? The education system provided its services and now they don't want to pay for them.

ashyash90 8

I mean any credit/loan company will work with you if you talk to them. Sounds like you just ignored them and defaulted rather than taking responsibility. It's likely that if all you ever generally have is 30 cents in your bank account, you'd qualify for very low or no payments. Or you could have deferred. For you to end up where you are, it means you just refused to pay. So don't ask for sympathy or complain. You made your bed, now lie in it.