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By wench - 23/12/2010 20:39 - United States

Today, while driving, I idly started picking my nose. I looked over at the car next to me and saw a smoking hot guy from my school staring at me in disgust. He kept staring until I took a turn-off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 558
You deserved it 36 641

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do you also idly wipe your ass as you ride in elevators? Please, tell us what other disgusting habits you idly have.

I think the turn-off was there from the moment you stuck your digit up your nostril.


Ninjafriends 1

I believe the key word here is "guy".

Absolutely with those eyes. Ostricheyes-itis, I presume? :D

fakeaccountX 6

I bet you're a real dude magnet.

I believe technically itd be ostricheyes-osis or perhaps opthalmomegaly with a hint of blepheromegaly, but you'd have to ask Doc to be sure, as I'm no expert.

Alpha35 4

u should've asked him to lick ur finger

43- get a sense of humor. you're making all the jokes and play on words lame by explaining them.

I think tinted windows are very useful in this situation.

Rocketgirl89 17

You should have asked him if he wanted to take one side and you take the other. You would have finished picking your nose a lot faster.

I think the turn-off was there from the moment you stuck your digit up your nostril.


haha I was thinking that same thing!!!!

or maybe just wait till you get home? **** I don't care if I have a 5c coin stuck up there I'd never pick it in public. that's just dirty. ydi

You should have asked your boyfriend to pick it for you. YDI.

Do you also idly wipe your ass as you ride in elevators? Please, tell us what other disgusting habits you idly have.

Ninjafriends 1

It's not altogether uncommon to see people do this. Maybe being in an enclosed space makes people feel that they're isolated, despite the windows.

sourgirl101 28

I believe you're correct. I read that something like 30% of people pick their nose while driving.

jvillan87 5

I'd like to think that the percentage would be maybe 40%.

what did u eat it cause that's just WRONG

generalasskicker 12