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By disataerkatie - 15/07/2013 10:30 - United Kingdom - Cardiff

Today, the guy I was on a date with jokingly challenged me to an arm wrestle. I won. He left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 943
You deserved it 7 757

disataerkatie tells us more.

disataerkatie 6

I wish I had longer arms. Possibly the best part is that he is an entire foot taller than I am...

Top comments

perdix 29

You aren't missing out on much -- he's not a man. And I'm not talking about arm strength. If he can't admit that a woman could be better than him at something, he has so many insecurities that your relationship would have been pathetic.


Lol bruised implies he will heal from it and be alright soon...she shattered his ego slamming it into the table

not even sitting in a 1x1 meter room strapped to a chair being fed through a chute listening to Beiber for eternity?

He did you a favor. Why would you want to date a child who can't even beat you in arm wrestling?

@17 Did you just totally rip my previous comment? I'm not sure if I should feel flattered or violated.

then000bster 16

@29, I wouldn't mind if my Girlfriend was more athletic than me as long as she didnt hold it against me. I guess some people still need to feel "manly" at all costs. Edit* Username = disaster*?

K410 18

Hey the dude deserved it if he couldn't even beat a teenage girl at arm wrestling XD

Why am I getting thumbed down? Everyone here, including me, thinks that the guy was a loser and it was a FYL for the op....

threer 30

Dude, shut the **** up. Girls can be stronger than guys, you little sexist shitbag..

Alimareee 3

You stupid **** girls can be stronger than guys and obviously your an ugly bastard who has no life, discrimination is not the answer you dumb ****

flashback.miss 28

Well, if that's his reaction to a playful arm wrestling match, then it's better to just shrug and look for a better guy; preferably one who's not a sore loser. .

CallMeMcFeelii 13

Arm wrestling has more to do with leverage than it does strength. OP could have longer arms, or the guy is just ridiculously weak.

disataerkatie 6

I wish I had longer arms. Possibly the best part is that he is an entire foot taller than I am...

CoolRainbowdash 15

Am I the only one that feel bad for the guy?

threer 30

Maybe OP is just strong, you stupid *****.

CoolRainbowdash 15

No need to call someone a stupid ****. Oh wait, this is FML

pazuzus_intern 10

There isn't really a reason to feel bad for the guy. So he lost to a girl, so what? He didn't need to act the way he did.

#56, It's actually an advantage to have shorter forearms - with greater distances from the elbow, less of a force is needed to move the arm by the same amount, so people with longer arms are (theoretically) more easily beaten :)

I'm with you #77 - anybody else think that maybe he was just reapply embarrassed about it? maybe that's why he left bc he was ashamed of himself and thought he made an ass out of himself bc he DIDN'T feel like a man after such a loss. maybe he felt he couldn't look her in the eye or stick around in fear of her rubbing it in her face. I'm just sayin. definitely not a YDI - it's a total FYL bc he should have just swallowed his pride and toughed it out to see where things went. but obviously his pride was more important than giving this badass babe a chance which sucks for OP. hopefully your next date victim isn't as insecure OP

rldostie 19

But 109, should we really feel that bad for someone who's ego is that fragile? If he thinks being "beaten by a girl" is that bad of a thing or that embarrassing, then he's an ass to begin with. A real man (as in a self-confident man) would've laughed it off and asked how she got to strong.

He didn't have to leave, why feel bad for him?

Malsain_fml 10

#111 - I globally agree with you, and the guy might just be too proud for no reason. But nowadays people have complexes of all kind. I feel sorry for him too. I like to see how people can be so harsh with other on the internet. Like "oh, he left? Well he is not worth it" like everybody was perfect. It's his manly side that was defeated there. Obvisouly he overreacts. But that does not make him a bad person. It would be like a guy actually teaching a girl how to make up/choose bras or take care of her hair (shitty examples, my bad). You can react different ways: be attracted, amazed, think the other one is strange (she is manly/he his feminin) or take it for yourself and consider you are not worth it...

Likely, yes. A girl shouldn't have to dial down how strong she is just to make a boy feel better.

born_hustla 26

This guy got serious issues!! One of my gf spots me when we work out. She's a body builder, and she competes! Nothing better than a strong woman! Tell him man up or go lift.

perdix 29

You aren't missing out on much -- he's not a man. And I'm not talking about arm strength. If he can't admit that a woman could be better than him at something, he has so many insecurities that your relationship would have been pathetic.

iTerrorized 4
addioty 19

Perdix actually gives serious advice?! I thought I'd never see the day.

perdix 29

#59, I gotta mix it up to keep you on your toes. When you find the fart face comment below, you can see I switched back to normal;)

Malsain_fml 10

#8 I don't know in which world you live in, but as far as I can see, insecurities are everywhere. Many people blame themselves for being too fat, ugly, small, intelectually limited, professionally unreliable, unable to socialize, not funny enough, boring, etc... And thing is, they have these insecurities because people (like you) can't accept them, which make the problem bigger even. It is just like being at school to make fun of the weaks and see how there confidence falls down. I hope for your friends and relatives that you guys (agreeing with #8) are not this intransigeant IRL. Because if you are, and especially with your kids, I would be curious to see what you would with them once you realize they have insecurities you hate so much.

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aruam365 24

I can understand why a guy would feel embarrassed and less manly over that but leaving after is rude, he could have just sucked it up and been a real man.

He obviously thought you'd be impressed when he beat you. Didn't go quite to plan...

It also could have backfired if OP was a sore loser. Girls can get competitive too! And it's not our ego that gets wounded but our feelings. Pretty risky date maneuver.

Haha who challenges a girl to an arm wrestle on a date anyway?

Chuck Norris has enough strength in his left pinkie toe to beat anyone. What's the point in challenging?

It's a little someone called Bruce Lee

Right? Hahahhaha. *So erm, what do you do fo...* "WANNA ARM WRESTLE ME??" dude has some serious game I bet.