By disataerkatie - 15/07/2013 10:30 - United Kingdom - Cardiff
disataerkatie tells us more.
I wish I had longer arms. Possibly the best part is that he is an entire foot taller than I am...
Top comments
Lessen learned, Never win a guy in an arm wrestle on the first date or you'd be left alone
It's better to be alone then.
Guys don't like losing to girls because they think it makes them the "weaker sex". Got to knock that way of thinking.
Youre not missing out on much if hes going to be a wimp about losing he might be one of those guys who causes a scene to make the girl look bad when she tries to break up with him
You should never show that your stronger than your date/crush/boyfriend, even if you are. They hate it.
What a douche.
Most men I know would consider having a girlfriend who can win arm wrestling contests something to brag about. That boy clearly has the wrong priorities in finding a partner, you sound awesome.
What a punk ass bitch. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Keep your head up & you'll find a guy who likes all of your strengths.
If he's only interested in you if he can overpower you, then I'm glad to say that you've dodged a bullet.
You aren't missing out on much -- he's not a man. And I'm not talking about arm strength. If he can't admit that a woman could be better than him at something, he has so many insecurities that your relationship would have been pathetic.
Nothing worse than a bruised ego.