By disataerkatie - 15/07/2013 10:30 - United Kingdom - Cardiff

Today, the guy I was on a date with jokingly challenged me to an arm wrestle. I won. He left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 943
You deserved it 7 757

disataerkatie tells us more.

disataerkatie 6

I wish I had longer arms. Possibly the best part is that he is an entire foot taller than I am...

Top comments

perdix 29

You aren't missing out on much -- he's not a man. And I'm not talking about arm strength. If he can't admit that a woman could be better than him at something, he has so many insecurities that your relationship would have been pathetic.


An old classmate of mine uses arm wrestling as a way to make sure that the women he dates aren't transgender. He is also one of those sexist types that thinks women are the weaker gender, are just meant to keep a home and to look good for men. Yuck. I hope you're date wasn't that bad

I hope he falls off a cliff, but only after his girlfriend catches him and trys to pull him back up but fails because of her weak arms.

Goblin182 26

Never ever challenge a girl to a connect of physical or mental strength unless you can A) handle losing or B) know for absolute certainty that you can win.

species4872 19

It's a shame he didn't want a rematch so you could do it again.

"What's the matter? Can't stand the sight of a strong Nord woman?"

sounds like its good to find out now, he has personal issues.

Good on you OP. You probably ruined his Date Rape plans. He most likely went home, jerked off, and had a good cry afterwards.

shame he was a sore loser about the situation

Well, it's sad when a guy can't see the funny side and deal with it. He must be terribly insecure, and so I cannot but feel for him. Too bad for you, of course, but hey, it's just a date. Try again. And don't be afraid to arm wrestle the next one either :)

Centrifuge 8

why not just say something witty like now you owe me a kiss or something stupid? I mean from the guys perspective...idk just sounds better imo

Yea! Show him what's up. If he leaves, then that's his loss! Us strong women don't need men who think they're better than us in strength. :D Sucks that you lost the date, but like I said, his loss