By Anonymous - 02/04/2013 07:24 - United States - Duncannon

Today, the McDonald's in my town ran out of fries. I was the one who had to tell all the angry customers we had no more fries in the store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 401
You deserved it 3 995

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Praise The Lord, the end of the world is here!

Aspen_Grace33 27

How is a McDonalds so unprepared that they are able to run out in the first place? Did someone forget to order some supplies or did a shipment not make it? Either way, FYL for having to repeat the same message over and over and take most of the complaints.


How the hell does McDonalds run out of fries?? Someone in your store obviously doesn't know how to handle their stock and ordering system.

Does anyone even read comments that are this old?

it's ok, I work at Mcdonalds too and we ran out of chicken nuggets one night. it was like it was the end of the world.

haha that happened at taco they ran out of hamburger... hows that happen? lol

In a MaccieD's that's practically signing a death warrant. A greasy, ketchup stained, death warrant.

That's okay, yesterday my McDonalds ran out of meat, so they couldn't make burgers.

TechHeadDanie 8

I work at McDonald's too, and just reading this made me shudder... May god have mercy on me if this day ever comes...

The_9th_Doctor 18

how in the hell do you run out of fries

how's that even possible? you work at MCDONALDS.. *sigh*

lennon_ 16

McDonald's is satin anyways.

rocker_chick23 27

You sure? McDonalds can be silk or cashmere, maybe even cotton.

Don't blame you! The supersize looks huge!