By Anonymous - 06/09/2013 20:36

Today, the mother of one of my students bitched me out about her son's poor grades. He lazes around all day, paying no attention and being a constant nuisance. But, she says it's not his fault, and demands that I give him better grades so he won't get "self-esteem" issues. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 196
You deserved it 3 454

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You ought to tell her better parenting will help him with his self esteem not lying so he can pass school

rachaelb07 6

Parents are the worst part of teaching.


Hey you get what you give in this life. Apparently his grades are reflecting just that! I hope you don't give in to this mother. She's trying to be a bully for her son and he's never going to know how to interact with people later in life but by being a bully!

well we get were he gets it from thats for sure. all this liberal touchy feely feelings shit is starting to piss me off

So it's your fault that her son is about as useful to society as a bag of dog shit?

I think you should write her a report card with one subject, Parenting, Fail

God, please don't give in. Some of the best teachers are the ones who don't give in and he won't learn anything if you do

just make him work harder, punish him when he's lazy or annoying.

If say that confidence without achievement to support it IS a self esteem issue.

JoseIsAdork 31

sorry op, this child's mother sounds like a real piece of work, I'm guessing if anything gives him self-esteem issues its going to be her. forgive me if I'm wrong but if she is truly worried why doesn't she sit down and try to help and encourage him to do better in school rather then causing a big up roar over something that could be prevented of she put forth and effort to help him and not show him that its OK to lie and cheat his way through things. its sad honestly. the children who struggle with things such as bullying ect that are much harder to prevent are the Ines who usually go without the help they need because they are too afraid to ask for help or to tell an adult but then the ones who just don't want to apply themselves to their school work and could care less are the ones that the parents are coming in to "take action" and take it out on the teachers because they don't want to have to deal with helping their children at home.

This is the kind of thing that puts people off of a career in teaching.

I don't think teachers are supposed to write fml's about their students....

Beepbeep7 14

Seriously?? It's not like she gave her name or the kids name.Grow up.