By Matt - 28/04/2012 18:28 - United Kingdom - London

Today, the novelty of shaving a heart into my pubic hair for my wife vanished, when I woke up to find a collection of scabs around my pubes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 341
You deserved it 15 742

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Men shave hearts into their pubes? What the ****?

WPQ14 15

They've got creams for that, you know. Ouch.


So, which one of you possibly got crabs or herpes from a past relationship or an infidelity?

That's not romantic. That's just ******. If she likes that, well then that's ****** too.

anubisismylife 9

What makes you think that shaving your pubic hair in a heart shape will make anything better?

rocker_chick23 27

How is OP's wife a cheating bitch? He shaved his pubic hair and got scabs from shaving. She didn't give him an STD