By Matt - 28/04/2012 18:28 - United Kingdom - London

Today, the novelty of shaving a heart into my pubic hair for my wife vanished, when I woke up to find a collection of scabs around my pubes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 341
You deserved it 15 742

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Men shave hearts into their pubes? What the ****?

WPQ14 15

They've got creams for that, you know. Ouch.


I shave my pubes, but gottdayum op, you're doing' it wrong.

bertman21 5

Am I the only one that was really grossed out by this?

Wtf scab's from shaving? You must have been shaving something other then hair... *shudder*

alwaysHAPPY116 0

Ouch that really sucks man getting better

I guess someone else might have done the same with your razor.

It scares me you felt the need to do that honestly.

You all are assholes! It's cute. You know girls do it all the time and it's cute, why can't a guy be sensitive without being called weird?