By sadcapri96 - 23/06/2011 21:40 - United States

Today, the old lady I've been taking care of and running errands for died. She hadn't paid me yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 576
You deserved it 47 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lumenoire 0

...Must've been the same lady who gave the pizza guy a 1 cent tip..


Max1995 0

wow that's really shallow dude...

sadcapri96 0

umm guys she was a great old lady and im sad shes gone but i still need to pay me student loans she owed me over a thousand but didnt want to pay me because of my race

sadcapri96 0

im being sarcastic when i say "great lady". i was the only one to take care of her becuz her family hated her. i was the only one nice to her even though she was as mean as can be