By sadcapri96 - 23/06/2011 21:40 - United States

Today, the old lady I've been taking care of and running errands for died. She hadn't paid me yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 576
You deserved it 47 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lumenoire 0

...Must've been the same lady who gave the pizza guy a 1 cent tip..


oh my god, you couldn't get paid because the old lady just died, FYL!! actually no, F your parent's life for raising a person so very shallow.

myspacer117 0
jayson13_fml 8

wow thats wrong. you should feel bad thats she's gone.. dont worry about the money

FNLucky 0

wow such haters! I would be pissed too if I didn't get paid. I mean yeah it sucks that someone died, but the living still gotta live and we all know you can't do that without money!

So, money is more important than someone dying? You're sick, OP. YDI.

missIrene 6

it a bitch thts mean don't even care tht she died

FYL? You're still alive you selfish jerk!

tyoyomi 1

it's a shame Ur thinking bout the money more than this lady and her family -_-

Gosh, she died. Oh well. Living gotta make a living. FYL, OP... **** all these idiots. :)