By sadcapri96 - 23/06/2011 21:40 - United States

Today, the old lady I've been taking care of and running errands for died. She hadn't paid me yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 576
You deserved it 47 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lumenoire 0

...Must've been the same lady who gave the pizza guy a 1 cent tip..


ArielTheMermaid 17
Jon_P_94 0

all u care about is the money....smh


u ain't gonna kick nobody's ass. but u r a bad ass writer! seriously tuff! u should go play in traffic.

you are the most selfish jackass I know

perdix 29

It was part of her dastardly master plan! Run up a huge debt for sweet errand-running services and then drop dead just to avoid paying the bill. Genius! Those old people are crafty. "I've fallen and I can't get up." Then, as you bend down to help them, they bash you in the head and steal your shit. Be forewarned!

she/he never said that's all they cared about. It's like all of you put there who have jobs and have bills, kids to feed and what not; all of a sudden you don't get paid? yeah, life is a bitch at that point. especially if you're living pay-check to pay-check. the person might of just meant FML because she has to bring it up to someone, and the only people to bring it up to is the grieving family. y'all should think things out more before blindly insulting people.

shut the **** up you whiny douchebag YDI all

your disgusting a woman has just died for goodness sake!