By Anonymous - 02/10/2013 12:17 - United States - Southfield

Today, the person I've been trying so hard to get with wrote me a beautiful poem that almost everyone at my school saw and liked. It was about how we'd never be together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 132
You deserved it 4 501

Same thing different taste

Top comments

skip_m 6

Of me you stalk. Now please go take a walk.


It might be in your best interest to talk to someone and ask whether or not they would like to go out, instead of granting them so much attention they resort to this.

Is it bad that I want to read it. Lol sorry op keep your head up!

That wasn't the best way for them to go about it but now you know how they feel

Axel5238 29

A lot of these seem to spill over the line of trying to hard to the point where it is annoying or creepy. They may not be comfortable with person yet or just not have an interest. If you are trying that hard and nothing is being said in return you aren't in the "friend zone" they aren't interested. It sucks, but you may want to reevaluate exactly what you are doing.

It's sad when the object of your affections says 'nay', But it's not like you needed them anyway. Yeah, I'm not much of a poet. But in all seriousness, rejection will always come your way, and probably more often (or in more embarrassing of a way, in your case) than you would like. You'll bounce back from this OP. Just give it some time. Oh and don't 'try hard' to get with anyone that would pull a dick move like that. Try hard for someone you know is worth it.

Maybe it's because you still have to use euphemisms like "get with".

At least they wrote you a poem... I just got rejected last week and all she did was just walk away without saying anything. :/

diarheea101 11

That sucks, but at least now you know that she/he wasn't right for you if they are going to do a rejection like that.