By Anonymous - 03/09/2015 01:33 - United States - Hayward

Today, the priest at my wedding farted. Everyone thought it was me. The guests, my bride, even the priest himself looked at me in disgust before continuing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 765
You deserved it 1 751

Same thing different taste

Top comments


who cares? he had to go he had to go. just next time if people are gonna blame you, at least make it worth it

I think you only posted this to try to bolster your denial of the truth

So was it you? Wasn't it? Poor you haha....

Le_ponderer 14

How awful that whoever dealt it could not confess to being responsible for it. What matters though is that you still got to marry the woman you love.

What a blissful wedding day memory that will make!