By ants9omarching - 10/03/2011 01:48 - United States

Today, the seat in my car broke and wouldn't move forward. I had to walk to school in the rain because I was too short to reach the pedals. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 571
You deserved it 5 940

Same thing different taste

Top comments

can't you just scoot forward and not lean back?

What a cute lil' munchkin you must be. :-)


didn't you ever watch Wild America? just tie blocks of wood to the pedals like JTT did!

Why is the seat out of your position to begin with? Does the seat reposition itself when you get out of the car?

did u think maybe other people drove the car or it broke and slid out if position?

Maybe she has a coupe and people needed to get in the back. But if so, the main issue is why was the seat all the way backward instead of forward? Or maybe she has a luxury car that tilts the wheel up and pushes the seat back each time you stop the car to make it easier to get out.

perhaps she shares the car.... not everyone is spoiled to the point their mommy and daddy give them their very own car to wreck.

ReynshineCutting 10

Or she has a boyfriend/family member 8000feet tall. My fiancé is 6'6 I'm 5'6 and he puts the seat all the way back when he drives my car and I can't reach the pedals even sitting on the edge when he does that.

cheeksMcgeeks 3

Actually it may have. My car does that. It's extremely annoying... I always have to readjust the seat every time I use the car. The windows set mirrors back too.

cheeksMcgeeks 3

The mirrors set themselves back too**

dudeitsdanny 9

Was the seat pushed all the way back? 'Cause if it was, you're not short, just unlucky D; Most people on here calling you short wouldn't be able to sit comfortably with the seat pushed back, i believe. I'm a mutant, so my long legs require me to push the seat back, though. But FYL.

WallyTheWombat 0

Well I'm 6'3" so I don't even fit into most vehicles without the seat all the way back. My friend was gonna give me his old tricked out prelude but I couldn't fit :(

6'3" isn't even that tall. My brother is 6'5" and he fits into a normal sized car fine. Unless you're measuring in miles and feet or something, you shouldn't be complaining about height, you should be complaining about you living in a civilization with ducked up cars.

dudeitsdanny 9

I'm 6'6", and I fit fine in my Yaris with the seat all the way back. Problem is when I give people rides, no one can sit behind me, haha. But 6'3" IS that tall. 5 inches above the average male in America is tall to me.

You're saying two more inches is suddenly much taller?

If Shaq can fit in a Prelude, anyone can.

My uncle is 6'10 and he can fit in his honda crx, I have another uncle whos 7'2, he has a toyota tacoma extended cab and he had to remove the back seat so he could mount the drivers seat farther back just to drive it, at 6'2 the people on my moms side of the family make me feel very short

FYLDeep 25

That's funny. Many vehicles seats don't go back far enough to be comfortable. Weird seeing it in reverse. Hopefully you'll grow some more?

Burgessnk 0

If you are in school and have your own car, your life is not f'ed

FYLDeep 25

School could mean college too. I drive to college because it's cheaper then living on campus among other reasons. Doesn't nessecarily mean she's rich if that's what you're getting at.

it doesn't mean she's rich but i'm in college and i don't own a car... i'd consider myself pretty lucky to own a car while in college

Obviously it's not her car. If it was hers, the seat would already be in place. Someone else uses it and moves the seat back all the time.

FYLDeep 25

Yeah, but over in Green Bay, Wisconsin pretty much everyone has a car. In New York I don't think it's quite as typical. You can't really do shit around here without one. And it's still cheaper to commute than to live on campus. Maybe if you didn't live on campus (assuming that you do) you could afford a car of your own. Trade-offs...

Burgessnk 0

I didn't mean to imply that she's rich, but if you can afford to buy, run, register and insure a car then you probably aren't scrounging for a buck. if you can do all that while still in school then you are on the right track. if all op has to complain about is a broken seat rather than an abusive partner or terrible illness then, yeah, she had a bad day but her life isn't f'ed. I'm just trying give people a new perspective.

ReynshineCutting 10

Who's to say it is registered and insured? We'd all like to assume it is but seriously how many poor people do you see driving 30 year old junkers around that you know aren't registered or insured? Not saying that's the case with OP but lots of people (unfortunately and stupidly) do it.

Lmao funny but that sucks. Did they ask the reason you were late, if so I bet they laughed too if you said you couldn't reach the pedals. :)

really. c'mon its not that hard to scoot forward. you totally deserve it

That sucks. I'm like the only girl I know who has to have the seat all the way back because of my legs. Oh well, better than short legs :P

DearCricket 0

Aww, OP I feel your pain. I would be so sad /helpless if my seat broke. I hate it enough when people move is back, I'm 4'11" and I sit like super close to the stearing wheel. FYL.

You can't be a dwarf based on height alone. You need a battleaxe.

Ever walked to school in the unexpected hail? Cold and painful. Rain is NOTHING.