By ants9omarching - 10/03/2011 01:48 - United States

Today, the seat in my car broke and wouldn't move forward. I had to walk to school in the rain because I was too short to reach the pedals. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 571
You deserved it 5 940

Same thing different taste

Top comments

can't you just scoot forward and not lean back?

What a cute lil' munchkin you must be. :-)


Could be worse. You could live so far from school that you miss class because of something crappy like that.

Why do you move the seat back? I set the seat in my vehicle once, and it's never moved since. If it ain't broke, don't mess with it.

VanaMarie 0

aww that sucks. I totally feel your pain being 4'9 and 21 years old lol

Looks like you got the short end of the stick.

happyFace12 0

i know how you feel OP I am really short. I'm 13 and only 5'1 and 90 pounds. when I get my permit in 2 years I probably won't be able to reach the peddles. FYL


it's not the cars fault, it's your fault you're short. tough luck.

Im 5.2 haha I think i will have that problem too xD

ninjaturtleem 0

this happened to my mom just yesterday. lol