By ants9omarching - 10/03/2011 01:48 - United States

Today, the seat in my car broke and wouldn't move forward. I had to walk to school in the rain because I was too short to reach the pedals. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 571
You deserved it 5 940

Same thing different taste

Top comments

can't you just scoot forward and not lean back?

What a cute lil' munchkin you must be. :-)


if you bought a car too big for you, just for the style, like some people I know, you deserve it ! but if you share it and this is why the seat is not in the same way you left it, your life sucks.. take an umbrella :)

Pownzeez 0

short people always crack me up

lonewolf532 0

that sounds like sometin my sister would say

atomicbaboon 0

why didn't you skip to school and sing "follow the yellow brick road"?

alexalways27 0

You have a car, but you live in walking distance of your school? Why would you drive in the first place? You should only use your car on really bad days. Unless you're pancake face, rain is not a bad day.

Sk8erChick44 4

you short like the coolest person ever, snooki

sounds like me.... I can't hav the charger my mom was gunna give me bc I can't see over the dashboard

splarf1991 0

builds character and maybe next time you will just scoot manually forward without the help of the seat! BRAINS!!!