By nick_of_time - 23/05/2010 14:23 - United States
nick_of_time tells us more.
Lol, people are soo funny. I agree with half of the post on here. Karma is indeed a bitch but as for me saying FML because now they might find out and I'll get punished well, they both already know so not so much. BTW, no hearts were broken so wrong again.
Top comments
Woooo!!! That's ****** up and you know what else? you so ****** deserve it. I hate cheaters
I have a feeling you've worked under two guys at the same time before. Am I right or am I right or am I right? I just hope you don't catch your ex boning your boyfriend in some sort of male dominance ritual. I'll bet both of them end up peeing on you to establish whose bitch you are.
...Closing my eyes doesn't make this image go away.
So does that mean you dated both of em at the same time? I'm a bit confuzzled. But regardless, YDI for cheating.
Cheating ***** bitch.
it was your own fault you ****, you probably broke your ex's heart now he's gonna crush your life
well that's what you get for cheating... YDI.
Regardless of whether or not OP deserves it for being a cheating liar, there's an HR department in basically every company to prevent situations like these. How your boyfriend is allowed to be your manager, and your ex is allowed to supervise you both is crazy to me. At least at my workplace, you are not allowed to have relationships (romantic, familial, or outside-of-work friendships) with people who are your superior to avoid conflicts of interest. So, ask to transfer departments, or just quit! That will solve the issue. Claim it is in the interest of professionality.
altho the op totally caused the mess and deserves what she gets... this girl knows whats up, actually gives good advise... rock on
Glad my first comment on FML wasn't useless!
I don't get it. did she cheat on her ex boyfriend with her current boyfriend, or did she cheat on her current boyfriend with her ex?
She dated her ex, then they broke up. Now she's dating the new guy, but she cheated on him with the old boyfriend, who's technically still her ex. At least, that's how I understood it.
ydi for cheating ahaha
You spun your own web and got stuck in it. I have no sympathy.