By CARAPPY LUCK - 27/09/2017 16:04

Today, the transmission on my brand new car went out. I bought it last month when the transmission on my old car went out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 828
You deserved it 329

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Finally, just the hero Marvel needs. After a freak transmission malfunction—that also somehow involved gamma rays—one person was endowed with the ability to disable any transmission, turning them into: TRANSMAN. We can work on the name.

Look and see if your location has "Lemon" Laws, and if your new car would fall under them if it does. For a transmission to fail that soon after purchase- barring gross mistreatment- there was either a manufacturing error or preexisting damage that they did not inform you of.


how new are we talking? like from a dealer brand new? or new used and a few years old? a new car will have a manufacture warranty and will be replaced for FREE. If the vehicle is within 5 years old, and below 100k miles always check to see the warranty status, may have extended warranty.

Congratulations, Transmission Killer, you've finally discovered your secret superpower!