By cakekiller - 29/09/2009 18:40 - United States

Today, there was a big cake at the office. I thought it was funny to pretend to push the cute girl in the office into it. She laughed, but then lost her balance and fell forward. Everyone saw. Turns out she’s allergic to coconut, even just the shavings on a cake, and had to go to the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 753
You deserved it 44 676

Same thing different taste


breannaspinn 0

I'm allergic to coconut and got attacked with perfume at the mall with coconut oil in it.

pedosmurf 7

You pushed her and she fell. Why do you think it was her fault idiot. Also did she hurt the stripper in it.

How was he meant to know that she's allergic to coconut?

Part your fault but not completely.

what kind of employer/coworker gets a cake their employee/coworker is that alergic to. why was she do vlose to something she was so alergic to? FYL OP

wrenavery90 12

I hope this teaches you to keep your hands off other people.