By cakekiller - 29/09/2009 18:40 - United States

Today, there was a big cake at the office. I thought it was funny to pretend to push the cute girl in the office into it. She laughed, but then lost her balance and fell forward. Everyone saw. Turns out she’s allergic to coconut, even just the shavings on a cake, and had to go to the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 753
You deserved it 44 676

Same thing different taste


sasquatch81 0

to bad she wasn't into cake farts.

leksileks 0

What the **** were you huffing that day? YDI for being male. Males have no logic

blink182tmt 0

Bitch females have no logic. make me a sandwich woman!

nonynony 0

F your office for getting a cake with coconut shavings. I mean, I like it, but I know lots of people don't. Stupid thing to get for a big group of people.

you know, if it was a playful push that honestly couldn't have affected her, then yea fyl. If you shoved her, then yea YDI. The thing is we don't know how hard he/she pushed the girl. But from the looks of it, it wasn't a whole lot and rather she gained composure and then somehow lost balance. Maybe the Op needs to word this better so we can get a better image in our head because right now all we are seeing is "I pushed her into a cake she's allergic to, FML"