By cakekiller - 29/09/2009 18:40 - United States

Today, there was a big cake at the office. I thought it was funny to pretend to push the cute girl in the office into it. She laughed, but then lost her balance and fell forward. Everyone saw. Turns out she’s allergic to coconut, even just the shavings on a cake, and had to go to the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 753
You deserved it 44 676

Same thing different taste


I think this is more of a F Her Life, and you're just kind of a dick. everyone knows you suck at flirting. You should've smeared the cake all over your face and asked her to lick it off; that might've gone down better.

#67 F your Life, people dont give you more respect if you try to be cool and critisize people. Your only confirming your a big donkey dick. x

Haha, wow. Good job looking like a psychotic little troll. It's called joking. It happens when a person refers to something in a non-serious way. Pull that very large stick out of your ass and get a sense of humour, you filthy piece of shit.

#68, you fail at life. You're an idiot for not realising she was joking. And you're a creep for freaking out like that. Ninety percent of these comments are criticising the OP, yet you choose to attack her for a simple joke? By the way, can't you think of anything better than "big donkey dick"? What are you, 12? Do you still giggle when you hear the words "poop" or "boobies"? Fail. You're a loser.

LOL at the two comments above mine. Gummibehrs + Witchcraft win. =)

Inspired22 11

Well, here's your opportunity to be adorable and bring her flowers, along with a profuse apology. You can either sit their and look like an asshole, or turn it around and so something like that. If it were me, and the guy apologized and brought me flowers, I'd probably forgive him at least a little...and maybe think he was at least a little cute for doing that...

I don't know why you all say HDI.. She laughed! She thought it was funny! Who are you to judge it isn't? Maybe it was just one of those 'only funny when you were there' moments. That she fell isn't her fault, but not OP's fault either. So I voted FHL.

For some reason I've got the feeling that the word 'pretend' has lost it's meaning... If I took it literally, I would be under the assumption that he didn't actually touch her, though I'm pretty sure that's not what he meant. I don't see how he deserves this - it was just a silly joke that went horribly wrong...

She thought it was funny BEFORE she fell into the cake.