By Fire sucks. - 17/01/2014 03:42 - United States

Today, there was a forest fire in my town. I was still forced to go to school, as it was safer. A lot of people decided not to go, and we ended up doing nothing but watching the news reports. There, I got to see my house burning on live TV. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 588
You deserved it 4 658

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey just be lucky you were at school rather than still in your house.. That burns OP.

Well, Look on the bright side.. If you were in the house you would have burned down with it..


Well your parents were right, you were safer at school. Sorry about your house though. Hopefully your parents were at work, and any siblings in school or they got out on time. Otherwise your life might become like "A Series of Unfortunate Events." :(

This is the complete opposite of an FML...

Well the bright side is you're alive. If you'd stayed home you might have gotten trapped. So count your blessings.

dccomics94 12

I'm sorry about your house. Thats sucks, but at least you were at school not at home.

Well, no use complaining about the fact you had to go to school, and not stay at home like you wanted. That fact probably ended up saving your life in the long run, considering.

I can't believe some people decided to click on the "YDI" button. I mean this is really a sad FML! I hope your family is okay and that you could save some of your important stuff.

Thank goodness you are okay! You can recover from your destroyed home. It consists of mere objects, which can be replaced. But you, my friend, are irreplaceable.

becca9985 34

Well, in your case, it definitely was safer to be at school.