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Where you been?

By watchmaker - 16/12/2009 09:37 - United Kingdom

Today, since I had no lessons until 1 p.m., I headed out to the store to run errands. Our school has a strict policy against leaving the campus during school hours. I returned to a fire drill taking place. The fire assembly point? The student parking lot. All 900 students watched me drive in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 125
You deserved it 36 074

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your school has a strict policy for leaving during school hours. Therefore ... don't leave during school hours.

I think the school should let them leave if they have free periods. I mean either make them take pointless classes to fill the time or allow them to leave. They shouldn't be caged in.


dyliumo 0

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well if you didn't have class till 1pm you didn't break any rules you weren't there in the first place so it's not "leaving" campus it's "arriving in time for school"

borabora1991 0
edeielia 0

Horray for you dyliumo...glad you were the first idiot poster...Why do people insist on doing that??

skyttlz 32

I don't like people watching me do things like eat or drive

^wat the *** is wrong with u WIERDO cant imagine going out with u on a dinner date.

Chocolate_Chunk 2

like anyone would want to go out with someone not even able to type "you"

The amount of illiterate fools on this comment thread is staggering.

Why would you not drive around until the fire drill was over? It would obviously wouldn't be that terrible to be a little late to class if there was a good reason, i.e. firedrill? Use that pea brain of yours OP.

blerr blerr blerrrrr, LOL my bad I forgot about them taking roll, although I had some teachers that wouldn't bother. Pea brain wasn't used seriously,.. buttt, in my rash comment I made no sense. MY BAD, get your fkn panties in a wad why don't you, next time just dont leave school! Problem solved dodo!

I like how you said the exact same thing I said

I think it was a misunderstanding. I think #24 thought that number 6 was dissing number 3, and didn't realize they were the same person. So I think 24 was yelling at 6 to not make fun of 3, while not realizing that 6 was correcting her own error at number 3. Make sense?

hey some1 give tht first guy a trophy pls...

Your school has a strict policy for leaving during school hours. Therefore ... don't leave during school hours.

taylorj621 0

Our school had a rule like that too and during senior year, you have an obligation to break as many rules as possible

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I think the school should let them leave if they have free periods. I mean either make them take pointless classes to fill the time or allow them to leave. They shouldn't be caged in.

I'm guessing the OP is a teacher and not a student, and they're not allowed to leave during the day because they're paid to do a 9-3 job and should be preparing classes, marking homework, etc.

What happened is exactly why you cant leave. If there was a fire, and they were away, the people will think they're still in the building and try to save them.

I doubt it. He was parking in the student parking lot

The teacher theory would make more sense in the context of the FML, except that the OP was driving into the student parking lot.

good save tho, ur the first to try that approach

You say you're from the UK but you used words like "store", "campus" (but not a university) and "parking lot". You either: a) Cheated the FML system and are actually in the US. b) Know and used lots of Americanisms so that your FML was understood better. Or c) Are actually from the US and living in the UK. Which is it?

MystifiedBulb 0

Yeah we occasionally use words like that in the UK - it may just depend which part you come from. :)

Yeah, I was about to say that, it's very Americanised for a post from the UK. Oh well. And #14, I've been all around the UK and I have never heard anyone call a car park a 'parking lot'. Just saying.

I've never heard somebody from the UK say "run some errands" either, really hope this is actually an American posting.

Why would you hope they're American?? Why does this matter in any way, whatsoever? I'm from New Zealand and we speak British Enligsh but would say any of these things. Just depends on the person. There's a lot of American TV in the UK also.

I was just about to say this. And most of us don't use these words very often at all, to the extent that it's really jarring for me to hear them an English accent.

I have to say he's british. He said he had no 'lessons'. Americans use the word "class", I have yet to hear lessons used except for something like "piano lessons".

katelynmarie 0

Actually, we do say "lessons" all the time here.

Maybe they're from the US originally.

schwinn11 0

Atleast they know it wasn't you that set the fire

NotEven 0
dudeitsdanny 9

And if there had been a fire, he might have been the prime suspect for arriving just then.

schwinn11 0

i know it was just a drill but it was just kinda funny thinkn this dude pulled into the parking lot and there was smoke pouring out of the building