By Fire sucks. - 17/01/2014 03:42 - United States

Today, there was a forest fire in my town. I was still forced to go to school, as it was safer. A lot of people decided not to go, and we ended up doing nothing but watching the news reports. There, I got to see my house burning on live TV. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 588
You deserved it 4 658

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey just be lucky you were at school rather than still in your house.. That burns OP.

Well, Look on the bright side.. If you were in the house you would have burned down with it..


isn't that a good thing? I mean you weren't on your house when it burnt down, so you didn't get hurt

Consider yourself lucky! It wouldve been so much riskier if you were at home

andreabushman82 6

This makes me so sad just because I have had a fire in my home.

Woah thats the worst FML I have ever heard, hopefully your luck turns around!

Correction: The worst possible FML would be, for example, being diagnosed with cancer, or losing entire family.

At least you're OK! I hope everyone else who lives in your house is, too!

I understand that it sucks but hey, you're still alive instead of burning to death

We don't need no water, just let the motherf@$&!€ burn