By Fire sucks. - 17/01/2014 03:42 - United States

Today, there was a forest fire in my town. I was still forced to go to school, as it was safer. A lot of people decided not to go, and we ended up doing nothing but watching the news reports. There, I got to see my house burning on live TV. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 588
You deserved it 4 658

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey just be lucky you were at school rather than still in your house.. That burns OP.

Well, Look on the bright side.. If you were in the house you would have burned down with it..


That really sucks, I hope things turn around for you.

Yeah, OP. It's only your home and probably most of your possessions. Get over it. OP is perfectly entitled to complain about it, 34.

"Yeah OP, you only lost all your clothes and anything that could ever mean anything to you along with the place that you slept and kept you safe - but that doesn't matter, stop being a sook." #36 I think you misplaced your heart

#39 maybe her heart is with your marbles!

I do have to give you that one #51 Touché

Plus,one of his family members may have still been in there as well. But it doesn't matter,right?

34-- it is not the house itself that makes op sad; it is the memories, the stability, the home. Op is probably grateful to be alive, but they still have every right to mourn the loss of familiarity and safety.

emirie 21

Wtf is wrong with you 34? If your house burned down, would you be so peachy about it? Probably not.

perdix 29

Even worse, the local news channel played this in the background: The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire. We don't need no water, let the ************ burn! Very unprofessional! (At least you have a leg up for Perfect Attendance at school :))

It's too bad he skipped yesterday to play with fire.

Be grateful you weren't in the house when it burned.

Youre lucky that you went to school anyway or else you couldve gotten hurt. Glad youre alright.

Sounds like you were better off in school anyway

So in fact it was safer. At least you are ok.

I don't se why people would even hit the "you deserve it button" fyl OP

Wow I'm so sorry that happened. But thankfully you didn't miss school.

I just want to know what kind of ass hat would vote YDI on this!?