By Fire sucks. - 17/01/2014 03:42 - United States

Today, there was a forest fire in my town. I was still forced to go to school, as it was safer. A lot of people decided not to go, and we ended up doing nothing but watching the news reports. There, I got to see my house burning on live TV. FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 598
You deserved it 4 661

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey just be lucky you were at school rather than still in your house.. That burns OP.

Well, Look on the bright side.. If you were in the house you would have burned down with it..


I'm sorry... at least you didn't get hurt ...

I really hope and pray your family and friends were safe as well. I am so sorry to hear about your situation, OP. Keep your head up, you can always replace your belongings but you can never replace family and friends.

I'm so sorry. Keep your head up and at least you weren't at your house. Remember things can only go up from here.

Good luck, it may be tough for a while without a house and losing all your possessions, just hang on to your family (hope they're safe as well), y'all can make it.

How the hell was there a forest fire in your town in the middle of a record-cold Arctic Weather Blast?...

The temperature itself plays no part in containing a fire. If it is dry and/or windy then you have perfect condition for fires to spread.

I would really like to know how over a thousand people thought YDI.