By oops - 29/07/2015 06:15 - United States

Today, thinking no one was home, I decided to be a little frisky with my boyfriend. I guess I was being loud and woke up my sleeping autistic brother the room over. Halfway through, he burst through the door, panicking. He thought I was having another one of my asthma attacks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 963
You deserved it 9 774

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sucks to be you OP, but seriously, be more careful and check next time.


I don't know why so many people are complaining that she mentioned her brother is autistic. It's the truth and a part of the situation. And she's not saying it to be mean. Also autistic people get scared quite easily and worry.. My best friend has an autistic brother and a brother who is not autistic. If this situation happened with each of them they would be very different situations. So although no one is judging her brother for having a condition he cannot help, it is actually relevant

no one should judge her brother, her brother is awesome that's how you know he has her back

I'm more concerned with her choice of words. She said half way through he burst in. Does that after the fact the second half took place? If not how do you know it was half way? Lol but seriously at least you know your bro has your back.

Aw it's cute how concerned he was! Some siblings just wouldn't care.

Nice job, you probably scarred the poor guy for life!

Ray, are you in here? Ray? Yeah, I heard noises. Ray, get the hell out of here.

That's sweet that he thought of you. Maybe don't do that without checking first.

That's kinda.... ****** up! Badum Tsss. Sigh. I'll grab my coat and show myself out.

Hey, at least he cares about you and your wellbeing! A while back, I had a nasty illness and when my parents weren't home, I had a horrible cough attack and couldn't breathe or catch my breath for almost five minutes and almost passed out. I had fallen on the floor and couldn't get up or get to the phone and my brother with autism was standing over me laughing at me because he thought that it was a joke. Granted it wasn't his fault, but still... You're very lucky!!!

Lol this reminds me of a story one of my friends told me: these two people were 69 and her little brother walked in the room asking what they were doing, they said wrestling so he asked to join ?