By oops - 29/07/2015 06:15 - United States

Today, thinking no one was home, I decided to be a little frisky with my boyfriend. I guess I was being loud and woke up my sleeping autistic brother the room over. Halfway through, he burst through the door, panicking. He thought I was having another one of my asthma attacks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 963
You deserved it 9 774

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sucks to be you OP, but seriously, be more careful and check next time.


nina0917 26

you can at least have respect for there home go somewhere else next time ydi

He cares about you. And you have look twice to make sure no body is at home when wanna be frisky.

Awww. That's actually pretty cute. He loves you!

Aw poor kid. I feel so bad for autistic kids, he's so innocent!

Don't ever assume. ALWAYS make sure you're alone first.

Honestly, autism sucks too soooo that's the biggest FML of this story

Autism itself does not have to suck. For many, it is actually the comorbid conditions that suck.

Half way means you finished after that

Hey that sucks and you shoudve checked. But atleast you know someone cares for you an awful lot.