By oops - 29/07/2015 06:15 - United States

Today, thinking no one was home, I decided to be a little frisky with my boyfriend. I guess I was being loud and woke up my sleeping autistic brother the room over. Halfway through, he burst through the door, panicking. He thought I was having another one of my asthma attacks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 963
You deserved it 9 774

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sucks to be you OP, but seriously, be more careful and check next time.


Always check before making noise. If you aren't sure if you are alone then muffle thr sounds between a pillow and your partner's ear (that way he/she still has the satisfaction of hearing you). Still, that sounds like an awkward situation for you.

You can have sex anytime. Nothing replaces a brother that cares so much about you.

are you supposed to leave autistic children home alone?

Most autistic people can take care of themselves just fine, autism causes social issues, not retardation.

He wasn't home alone. OP was there with him.

Don't worry, OP. I know what you're going through. I have a twin brother with Autism. He still hasn't learned about privacy. I'll be drying myself after a shower and he'll burst in the bathroom to pee. But first, he has to hug and kiss me. It can be annoying, but I love him anyway. :)

Even though it wasn't at a good moment, I find it so adorable that your brother would do that for you.

Thasnoxi 8

so would your autistic brother be home all alone? it seems odd