By Kamburgler - 02/07/2011 06:33 - United States

Today, this really cute guy at work kept flirting with me and cracking the funniest jokes. Before he left, he told me how much he enjoyed making me smile. An hour later, I saw my reflection in a mirror, I had a huge piece of food stuck in my teeth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 387
You deserved it 5 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments

do you have braces? ...coz they are the worst for getting food stuck in... cant even count how many times something like that has happened to me


I don't see this as a fml. If you were laughing at his jokes and smiling, then I'm sure he saw the food and just didn't pay it any attention. In my book that's a good thing, but whatever floats your boat l guess.

You remind me of Voldemort/Jim Carrey. Strange, but intriguing combo.

at least he still enjoyed talking to you..maybe he didn't even notice. just try talking to him tomorrow...but check your teeth first.

you should have asked him to pick it out with his tongue.

If he likes you and you like him, why does it matter.

rcm826 3

maybe it got stuck after she was talking to him..

maffy4ever 8