By justanaccount - 27/02/2009 19:35 - Spain

Today, to ask a boy I really liked to my school's turnabout dance, I gave him a box full of 10 cupcakes that spelled out T-U-R-N-A-B-O-U-T-?. The boy gave the box back a little later. There were two cupcakes left inside. It said N-O. FML
I agree, your life sucks 108 596
You deserved it 12 030

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hallucinog3n 0

at least he was thoughtful enough to reject you in a (kinda) creative way


LMAO! Sorry, but this is just too funny

Jbiebs82 0

Well op then ur either really ugly or really really ugly. Or your a bitch

FriesWithASideOf 0

His creativity is full of win.

laurenlovefulful 5

even though that was messed up, it was a clever way of rejecting you!!

xMunchkinn 0

I feel bad =/ but the boy is kinda funny I got to admit. (:

haha, that's really funny/creative of that guy...i think even if you were the girl getting rejected you would have to smile at that..

Well...You didn't give him cupcakes that would spell Y-E-S

slava_veles616 0

what's a turnabout? not to sound dumb, but seriously is it a theme or something?

If SHE asked HIM, then I'm guessing it's like Sadie Hawkins. But, yeah, this is my first time hearing the term, too.

I personally thought it was a Phoenix Wright-themed dance, where someone gets killed, and the crowd has to figure out who did it.