By justanaccount - 27/02/2009 19:35 - Spain

Today, to ask a boy I really liked to my school's turnabout dance, I gave him a box full of 10 cupcakes that spelled out T-U-R-N-A-B-O-U-T-?. The boy gave the box back a little later. There were two cupcakes left inside. It said N-O. FML
I agree, your life sucks 108 596
You deserved it 12 030

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hallucinog3n 0

at least he was thoughtful enough to reject you in a (kinda) creative way


MoonPhase123 4

That is hilarious. You must reslly be ugly

Cupcakes kinda sound delicious right now...

Honey, that a really good idea and a cool detail, but, it was just too much pressure

229: How do mean "it was too much pressure"? People ask other people out all the time. I think where this story went wrong is when the guy OP asked out didn't just simply decline, and let OP possibly use the cupcakes to ask out another person or enjoy them herself.

Perrydox 5

You should have drugged those cupcakes with love potion!

Well, at least you tried. Better luck next time!