By shinee - 15/08/2010 16:05 - Singapore

Today, to be nice, I baked cookies for my step-mom as a birthday present. I burnt my hand while putting them in the oven, but I'd hoped it would be worth it. When she got home, I gave one for her to try. She took a bite, spit it out, and threw it on the floor, asking if it was a joke or if I was really trying to poison her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 401
You deserved it 3 629

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yarrachel 16

Wow, what a bitch, you should actually poison her next time.


scarlettbraylee 0
Jakofalltrades18 0

i sure hope someone ate those poisonous cookies, if not thats a waste. Should've used an easy bake oven.

Give the bitch a poisoned apple instead! FYL

all stap moms are bitches execpt my dads she awesome

Moonstarmist 0

Well, that's a complete lie. Not all stepmoms are bitches.

sallen0046 4

Did you bother to taste them yourself? She's by no means obligated to enjoy your bad baking just because you burned yourself.

#96 Tasting them yourself is always a good idea! I'm a professional baker, but I still live by that rule. However, I still don't think her step-mom's reaction should have been THAT extreme...

#98 Haha! I've never tried, but I've heard it's not that difficult. I can bake pretty yummy regular brownies...

#103 I've never tried, but I'm willing to bet I could!

BitterLoser 0

YDI for not poisoning the bitch

what a bitch! step moms are the worst! >.>

Moonstarmist 0

That was a bitchy thing to do. She doesn't have to lie and pretend to like them, but what she did was immature. Just remember to taste test before giving someone food.