By just about pissed off - 11/08/2013 17:24 - Egypt - Cairo

Today, to help with my insomnia, I downloaded some relaxing rain MP3s and set them to loop. For the first time in ages, I fell asleep within minutes. Somewhere around 5, however, the sound of trickling water caused my bladder to empty itself all over my bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 588
You deserved it 6 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess those weren't the wet dreams you were hoping for.


Try downloading an app with those sounds that have a timer function and stop after an hour. Your sheets will thank you. :)

streetriots 9

Download a binaural tone app. The apps I downloaded have timers to shut off. They are also useful for other ailments.

streetriots 9

Yeah I didn't read all the comments. Apologies.

Maybe some slow relaxing music will work better...

klimrod89_fml 2

Wouldn't mind share what kind of music you were listening to?

I listen to rain storms each night but I tend to set it to go off after an hour. I've never woken after its gone off.

Try finding something that doesn't loop all night :) Then you can fall asleep and possibly not end up wetting the bed. And it saves energy too!

YDI for not knowing that "side-effect" of listening to water.