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By Prinpette - 20/09/2011 21:20 - France

Today, to show that he really wanted me to shave myself, my boyfriend pretended to go down on me, but instead of following through, he stuck a wad of gum in my pubic hair and got back up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 365
You deserved it 40 484

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, does everyone forget pubic hair is perfectly natural? If you think it's "gross", you're probably not old enough to touch a ******. Everyone has personal preferences but it's amazing how many people seem to think that it's some unspoken rule for chicks to shave EVERYWHERE.


Omfgitsmia 15

Women don't have to shave, but don't get all upset and offended if you're boyfriend isn't cool with that. He has his preference too. He isn't an asshole for not wanting to touch that.

Ofcourse you don't have to shave.. but if you want him to go down on you, don't ******* complain if he doesn't want to :P

Well, don't expect him to lick it if you won't take the care to groom it. If there's enough there to hold a wad of gum, then you need to get to work! Big bushes are for dirty, stinky people!

nelliealexis 3

Are you stupid or something? Shave yo damn bush.

teeny54 10

Ugh, people are disgusting. I'm an adult. As proof, I have body hair. I LIKE not looking like an eight-year-old with **** when I'm naked. I'm not a ******* pornstar, and I don't exist to feed your need for pedophilia. This is a total FYL.

Ewww shave that nasty ass Forrest you have growing down there. If you do t want to shave atleast ******* trim the damn thing. That is nor keeping good hygene down there.

U need to shave that bush. U lucky he ain't pull on it.