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By Prinpette - 20/09/2011 21:20 - France

Today, to show that he really wanted me to shave myself, my boyfriend pretended to go down on me, but instead of following through, he stuck a wad of gum in my pubic hair and got back up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 365
You deserved it 40 484

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, does everyone forget pubic hair is perfectly natural? If you think it's "gross", you're probably not old enough to touch a ******. Everyone has personal preferences but it's amazing how many people seem to think that it's some unspoken rule for chicks to shave EVERYWHERE.


WadeWilson_fml 6

You have pubic hair under the skin waiting to groooow and grooow.. That must mean you're gross.

Well yoi shouldnt be hairy in the first place, thats nasty. This aint the 1970s anymore

purrantula 3

It's your body, not his. Your boyfriend sounds like an arsehole and clearly doesn't respect you. Does he shave HIS body completely bald because he feels pressured to conform to society's expectations? Didn't think so. As long as you're hygienic, there is nothing wrong with bodily hair AT ALL.

@114 yeah there is, its disgusting, feel bad for your boyfriend

@114 yeah there is. It's disgusting, feel bad for your boyfriend

Women dont have to do anything for their man. But if he asks you nicely and does the same for you, then shave or trim your hair. Women do not exist to please men! I would only shave if he asked me nicely, if i was you.

I'm sick of these double standards. The only place that men usually shave is their face, yet women are expected to shave/wax their legs, underarms, lip hair and yes, genital region. Basically, hair on any place except the head is unacceptable. Don't shave if you don't want to, just to make him happy. If he refuses to go down on you then do the same to him. What an immature jerk.

True, eyebrows as well. A girl with bushy, unkept eyebrows would be called disgusting yet it's fine for a guy to have a monobrow..

thatdesertdude 7

I'm sorry, but using this guy as an example for men in general is just not fair. Grooming "standards" are different the world over, but I don't think any country expects women to shave their pubic hair as a rule. its personal preference, but once your in a relationship you need to compromise. personally, I think it should always be trimmed, if you look like the Amazon rooted on your crotch you won't be getting much face time. This goes for guys too, girls don't want to dig through your pubefro to find your junk. And for Gods sake, fix that monobrow bro!!

UJust sayin hair on the junk is gross. Especially if there is a lot of oral intercourse. I floss twice a day I don't need it hardcore. I'm sure he doesn't either and yeah it was over the top but women freak about facial hair eyebrows and everything else about a guys body.

redmnky21 8

u always shave... how would u like to stick ur face in a unshaved smelly vajayjay...

The real issue is that he feels justified in treating you this way. If a man treats his woman like she's someone special, she tends to act like someone special and treat him the same way. That is what my dad taught me, and I taught my sons. It works. By the way, you won't care about this part, but perhaps part of the problem is that you're having sex like a recreational activity, rather than an intimate activity that takes place between married people. That's just my opinion, and nobody else is forced to buy into it.

ReynshineCutting 10

Thank you for being a real man and teaching your sons to be real men! There are far too few of them left in the world!