By Derek - 05/08/2018 01:30

Today, I found out that my kids are both my half-brothers, and the fertility tests my wife had us do a few years ago showed that I'm sterile. She didn't tell me until I found the test results in her desk and asked her about it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 032
You deserved it 285

Same thing different taste

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I don't know what method your wife used to get your dad to impregnate her, though I'd guess they did it the biblical way, but keeping the truth from you is unforgivable. Are you prepared to maintain your marriage, and continue raising your half-brothers as your sons? And how are you going to keep your relationship with your dad together, now that you know he knocked up your wife?

This needs a follow-up. I read it that his father impregnated her, didn’t even consider that a half brother “donating” might’ve been a possibility. Amazing what a little punctuation mark can do (or not do).


So are they your half brothers kids or your Dads kids making them YOUR Half brothers?

kalenen 1

congratulations you have the worst wife and worst father ever