By Anonymous - 13/02/2014 15:47 - United States - Kennett

Today, trying to be a responsible parent, I bought my daughter a pack of condoms in case she ever decided to have sex. She turned them into balloon animals and went back to playing video games. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 520
You deserved it 53 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Guess you''ve got nothing to worry about! :) Your daughter sounds awesome.


I don't see the FML here. You've raised an excellent daughter, great parenting OP!

Poor OP, today, I found out my daughter isn't a ****. fml. Society is done for

Imo, you went about that the wrong way. I'd be so upset if my mother had bought me condoms. Not only would that tell me that she thinks I'm a ****, but a dumb **** too. Luckily we had that conversation years earlier and I asked about different methods of contraception and when the time was right, went for the implant. This FML only tells me that you don't know your daughter very well, and should maybe talk to her more. Shouldn't a mother know these things about her daughter? Lucky you that you have a daughter like that OP, she sounds like she knows herself pretty well and doesn't need to have sex to validate herself, like most teenage girls seem to.

Yes, every teenage girl having sex is doing it for validation. It has nothing to do with personal enjoyment of sex.

frizz101 22

They didn't say all, they said most. I would try and post a link to statistics backed by science, but last time I did, it was erased.

You've got nothing to worry about. She sounds like a great kid.

I don't see the fml. It's better she's like that.