By Anonymous - 13/02/2014 15:47 - United States - Kennett

Today, trying to be a responsible parent, I bought my daughter a pack of condoms in case she ever decided to have sex. She turned them into balloon animals and went back to playing video games. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 520
You deserved it 53 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Guess you''ve got nothing to worry about! :) Your daughter sounds awesome.


This shouldn't be a FML you should be happy that she's not interested in that stuff yet plus she sounds like a pretty cool kid

I don't think this is an fml I think this is a thank god. be thankful ur daughters not a how who goes around having sex with all these guys. I'd be very proud of her

FMLworthy5000 21

I dont know why all the comments that are about teaching your daughter to not have sex as an adolescent are being voted negatively. What person goes out and buys their child condoms? It only makes it that much easier for us.Just explain the importance of condoms and then explain the importance of wait until marriage until having sex. If ya dont have sex, you dont need to worry about condoms. (;

A responsible parent would not let his/her daughter have sex outside of marriage, which is where it belongs. Teach your daughter to respect herself and respect others more than making them simply objects of sexual pleasure

xxrebelsxx 13

Your daughter sounds like me lol

mia_marie01 11

No hate here but I just don't see why that's such a bad thing! You should be happy that your daughter doesn't need to use the condoms. Oh well just not really sure how that's an "fml"