By purebliss - 06/12/2013 00:43 - Australia - Rozelle

Today, upon hearing of the death of Nelson Mandela, I posted a link on Facebook to the South African children's hospital in his name and donated. I was completely ignored whilst my newsfeed became clogged by my middle-class friends with "RIP Nelson Mandela" and photos of Morgan Freeman. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 834
You deserved it 6 137

purebliss_fml tells us more.

OP here :) Some of you have taken this the wrong way so let me clarify - I was in NO way trying to garner 'likes' for donating to the Nelson Mandela Children's Hospital. I never even mentioned that I donated, I just posted the link and a little comment saying Please donate in honour of his memory. I assume no one donated because they didn't say anything and I just think it's a bit sad because even a couple of dollars goes a long way. Not many of my friends would have heard of the hospital either so I thought if I brought it to their attention they could donate and help the children in South Africa receive the care and treatment they desperately need. I believe it's a great way to honour Nelson Mandela's memory.

Top comments

People in my class today were talking about how Morgan Freeman was better than Mandela anyways because his voice was cooler. People these days can be awful.

Look on the bright side OP, half of those friends (the Morgan Freeman pics) will probably serve you sandwiches at Subway 20 years from now... I actually had a friend who posted "RIP MORGAN FREEMAN" on his Facebook. I called him out on that and the next thing I know most of his friends and family are deriding him for being an insensitive idiot. There is hope.


Alexthegreat475 13

Sucks. Mandela was a good person

RedPillSucks 31

Same for Paul Walker. I had to use google to figure out who he was. Fortunately, I didn't need google for Mandela. He's a hero for all time.

Nelson Mandela will be sorely missed - the Shawshank Redemption was an all-time classic.

chloem103 9

There is a surprising amount confusing Morgan Freeman with Nelson Mandela. I wasn't sure if people are just stupid or if they think it's funny. I also see people asking if it's the guy from fast and furious.

Today, we as South African's look up to a great man with respect, because not only did he fight for our freedom, but for the future generation. Not only was he one of our former presidents, but he was an icon of the anti-apartheid struggle. He was elected as our first black president, but because of his fight towards peace our country had its first multi racial election in 1994. He also jointly shared a nobel peace prize. Today we remember a man who gave his life for our country and our people, I am sorry Morgan Freeman does not cut the cake, to be compared to such a great leader.

RedPillSucks 31

Here, here. Morgan Freeman is not even in the same building that the cake is being served.

Why do people have the misconception that. All Africans are poor and black? Some of the richest people in the world hail from there. Is it bc they only show the minute number of tribes who live without modern day advantages? I think we should give to our own communities who hurt just as bad. Before we shell out to a country/continent that will use our own money against us.

JudgeComrade 17

"By my middle-class friends?" What does that have to do with it?

RedPillSucks 31

I think she means *by my friends who have the resources to know better*

crazytwinsmom 25
reveal 10

when did we start half mast for foreigners

ImpracticalJoekr 9

Yeah I had a friend do that too. When someone pointed out that it was Morgan Freeman's picture and not Nelson, their response was 'wait, Morgan Freeman died?!' I face palmed so hard it still hurts, and really hope this friend isn't that stupid.