By unlucky - 19/09/2009 19:05 - United Kingdom
Same thing different taste
By civic4life - 17/09/2009 03:16 - United States
Best birthday ever!
By IHateMyLife - 01/02/2021 08:01
The golden child
By Anonymous - 16/09/2023 06:00
By Anonymous - 15/05/2018 15:00
Thanks, I guess…
By Anonymous - 21/09/2013 18:10 - United States
Happy Birthday
By qwerty6 - 30/09/2009 06:17 - United Kingdom
By Shauna - 10/11/2012 09:02 - United States - Jacksonville
By nsb124 - 28/01/2015 08:07 - United States
Fortunate Son
By Anonymous - 03/05/2012 23:35 - United States - Wichita
By SAM - 05/08/2018 09:00 - United States
Top comments
how original
Just switch gifts then, if your brother hates taking pictures. Problem solved.
"I am so upset with my mother right now that as soon as she is of age I am putting her in a home."
Are you going to forbid her from dating any guy who owns a camera too? Because even now, that's basically everyone.
Its not expecting them to be a ****. Its expecting them to not fully realize how easily pictures of them could wind up on the internet should their boyfriend break up with them. It isnt slutty if its with their boyfriend, right?
If you don't give your daughter a camera because you think bad pictures of her are going to end up online then you've got very little confidence in your daughter. It *is* expecting her to be slutty. Most girls don't take questionable pictures. Yeah, some do and then everyone and thier grandmother ends up getting them, but really its like 5% or something (approximate number, based on how many I knew about from my school plus a guess about how many I didn't know about)
just like me and my mom and my sister! when I was 11, I really wanted a phone. I couldn't get one until I was almost 13, and that was only because I got confirmed. I got an old shitty phone. my sister is now almost 13, she didn't want a phone at all, but my mom forced her to get a nice, full keyboard phone. like wtf?!
Same thing happened to me once. I asked for an iPod shuffle for my birthday when it first came out, day of my birthday, my older brother got the iPod and I got a pair of shoes. we were both so confused, but he kept the iPod and never let me listen to it -.-
70- ... Stop
Phones exist you know
My apologies for the ..., FML is being retarded, I had a full comment submitted... Said something like "finally, someone complaining about a present that isn't ridiculously spoiled"
What a bitch. Thats ******* mean.
Well, I guess that's what you get for not being the favorite. Kinda makes me happy to be an only child.
"But what if you aren't the favorite anyways?" Then them parents rub the lotion on their skin or else they get the hose again..
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Show it anywaynot really... the mother could be retarded... ... or just forgetful.... my mother goes out shopping to get food and she brings back stuff i hate to hell! and she goes now i got u this cause u like it... no love other way around :P ... she just forgetful ...
Shut up you dumb kid. Take your trolling-angst somewhere else. This kind of shit happens all the time. Once you have lived for longer than the span of school-life you will learn these things. Dumbass.
There are some really vile parents in this world. A mother who spends $200 to spite her own child is nowhere near up there.
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Show it anywayNo matter how hard you try to not let it, being the non-favorite child will always get to you. Even if it's just little things that your parents do for one sibling and not for you, it will always hit hard that in their eyes, you just aren't good enough. One of my friends is one of the emotionally strongest people I know, is married happily with her own child now, and it will still get to her when her parents say something about her being a failure, even if it's about something small. Yes, there are parents who will buy one child something that another child wants, just to emphasize the fact that they are not the favored child.
It's £200 actually. Emphasis on the ££££££. You Americans really need to stop assuming that your way is the only way
Also, most American keyboards only have $, very few have the other.
Just casually acquire it over time. Borrow it for a couple of days, forget to give it back for a couple more. Then a week later borrow it for a week, forget to give it back again... Just keep it up till it's permanently in your possession. Unless of course your bro won't let you borrow it, in which case FYL. But this kind of thing doesn't usually happen for no reason. Either this is a fake or you've left out something important that you're not telling us.
Unfortunately this does happen for no reason. Or else because of the age of the child. It was summer. I asked my mom to get me a new bathing suit. She said "no your old one is fine," a week later bought each of my little sisters a new one. At the end of the summer when they were on sale I said "mom can I get a new bathing suit now, for next summer," she didnt buy me one, but a few days later went back to the same store and bought each of my sisters a new one. Next summer came. She bought my sisters new bathing suits. I asked for one. "no, you should be fine you still have your old one" I asked her a few weeks later. got told no again. Asked at the end of the season. No again, but my sisters got new ones for next year, again. Third summer rolls around, my old bathing suit is too small. I can get it on but it fits very poorly, especially the top. I'm hanging out. I ask my mom for a new one "Well can't you jsut wear that one for a few more weeks. Your sisters are going to florida to stay with your grandparents and they need new ones." I say fine. A few weeks later I ask again. she says "No, you already have one." to which I say "but mom, its too small." and she says "well that's not my fault. Get a job." She kicks me out the next morning because I don't have a job yet. I move back in next march, still without a job because no one is hiring. She realizes how bad the economy is and finally sees that its not my fault I don't have a job. Then it turns to summer. I still dont have a new bathing suit. I ask again, reminding her that the one i have is way too small. She tells me to wait until the end of summer because my sisters need new ones. Finally she buys me one at the end of that summer.
would this have anything to do with the fact that you had BABY sisters, who grow incredibly quickly?
Okay, maybe "for no reason" was a bad phrase, "out of nowhere" would have been better.
They weren't actually babies. I will probably always call them my 'baby sisters' unless they ask me not to. Neither of them outgrew the bathing suits of the first year until the beginning of the fourth year. My youngest sister still liked to wear the bathing suit from the first year because it was apparently cooler looking than the others she had. The older of the two was the same size I was even though she is 7 years younger than me. She ended up growing a few inches but it was he legs that grew and leg length has no effect on bathing suit size. Anyways, I wasn't complaining about it. That was like two years ago. I'm over it now. It just happens to be a great example of how parents treat different children much differently.
That's true. It usually does not just happen out of no where. And actually I guess I sorta was wrong too. There was a reason with my sisters. I was significantly older, and my mother saw me more as a companion and another parent than as her daughter. She apparently hadn't considered me one of her 'children' since I was 12. I was the other adult in the house. She told me this when I moved out a few months ago. I am still not sure whether to be proud or offended.
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Show it anywayEh, it could. OP was just expecting a basic camera, so her idea of fancy doesn't have to be a professional photography camera, or anything. Lots of cameras come with some accessories included, too, or in some kind of bundle where they're not quite as expensive. I have a pretty nice camera that didn't cost me nearly $400 (a little over 200 pounds).
I got a really good camera for £90, they aren't that expensive :/
Well #23, I consider there to be a huge difference between an EasyShare and an EOS 1D #18, I know that everyone's views on "nice" cameras varies, but I wouldn't expect much more from £200 (some accessories included) aside from a basic Point & Shoot, and maybe a tripod and some other stuff. Not everyone has to go out and burn $7000 on a top of the line Canon, but there is a price point for "fancy"
It's just all a matter of opinion, I guess. We don't know what kind of camera OP's brother got, so there's no sure way of knowing. Just saying, it's not a completely bogus idea that a "fancy" camera is fairly affordable.
Yeah, I know. They could've always gone used, since times are tough now. I'm just saying they most likely went new, and there's not much you can get in that range. My friend scored a 40D with 3 lenses and a bunch of other stuff for $750, so the possibility of OP's brother getting something sweet is definitely up there.
Understandable. :] Also, your friend is luckyyy.
#26... yea and my canon eos 400d was only £400.... and that was top of the range when i bought it two years ago. cameras must be so expensive in america :/
#12: That was what I was thinking too. lol. Fancy to me would be a Leica.
What I - a Photography Major - would consider a nice camera is far above and beyond what a typical teen would consider a "fancy" or "nice" camera. The OP probably just wanted a little tiny point and shoot rangefinder camera to take pictures for facebook. My camera body and the lenses I purchased were well over $1,000 (I don't know the current exchange in pounds, though.) Rangefinders have come down so much in price, you could probably get one with a 2 GB SD card and a little bag for like, $110. Save up a little bit, OP, and move out when you can. If you want something, get it yourself if your mom's a bitch. Unfortunately, life tends to work like that.
my camera cost me £170, including accessories and it's a really nice camera. I'd deffo describe it as fancy.

What a bitch. Thats ******* mean.
Well, I guess that's what you get for not being the favorite. Kinda makes me happy to be an only child.