By mycedes - 26/10/2011 17:56 - United States

Today, was the last day of the prank war between me and my husband. I told him the last prank needed to be the best one. I took a shower and tried to think up my last prank. When I got out of the shower, my hair was green. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 560
You deserved it 38 153

Same thing different taste

Top comments


That's when you break out the laxatives.

Damn your husband is good!!! Get back at him though...

kateheartswaffle 0

I dunno about you, but I'd definitely notice if my shampoo was suddenly bright green. Unless of course you just use whatever happens to be in the shower.

tjv3 10

Unscrew the showerhead and stick a bullion cube in there (I perfer to use the beef kind) and screw it back on

Ugh, that's some nasty shit before it's dissolved correctly in food. Thx 4 the idea though ;)

briguy007 0

no its snot haha that sucks though

Her SHAMPOO! Last time I checked, you don't use SHAMPOO as soap.

This used to be me& my husband when we 1st got married. A couple pranks: saran wrap UNDEr the lid of a toilet seat & the ole shaving creqm or mousse on the hand while they r sleeping, then tickle their nose. swear it works. what stopped our pranks? i threw really, really cold ice water - full large bucket full - over the shower curtain. when he didnt scream i opened the shower curtain to find him going into shock. cut your loss & move on. hey, at least its halloween!

You and your husband are both awesome people.

Lmfao well at least you two have a sense of humor sounds like you two have a very lively relationship :)