By Anonymous - 08/02/2012 18:15

Today, we got a new seating arrangement in my science class. I'm now sitting between two people who have spent the last 20 minutes whispering dirty things to one another. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 139
You deserved it 2 643

Same thing different taste

Top comments


perdix 29

Surround-Sound Phone Sex is the future! You're living the dream. Wait 'til they advance 3-D video!

bizarre_ftw 21

Join in, you'll either creep them out or get an invite to a threesome. Either way, you win

Tell them to STFU... Unless you live in California. They might be related to other ghetto gangsters.

Something tells me you have never been to California

Yes, because ALL of California is full of ghetto neighborhoods, and every 30,000,000+ people here is somehow related to gang members, yeah(sarcasm). Really, is Texas full of trigger happy, dumb, republican, close-minded, racist idiotic morons? Is everyone in New Jersey a guido, orange, and dumb as hell? Is Alaska home to just the Eskimos and igloos and full of snow? Shut it with the generalizations. Piece of worhless ass-shit...

sinkmyanchor 0

I would die of laughter. Or be the one talking. Either or is fine with me ;) lol