By quasimodo - 22/02/2010 21:24 - United States

Today, we were drawing self-portraits in school. I'm horrible at art, so I turned to the person next to me and stated that mine looked really ugly. He replied saying, "No, it looks exactly like you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 758
You deserved it 6 830

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kylejandginap 0

did you ever think that maybe he was trying to be nice?


elizanena9 0

sounds like they were trying to compliment you. Congratulations! you just wasted an fml post.

Aah_Zombies 0

Suck it up. We're our own worst critics; he was probably trying to complement your artwork. You COULD be butt-ugly, but as far as he was saying, your art isn't.

he's trying to say that it's not ugly, and it's pretty... "just like you" meaning he thinks your pretty

I'm sorry, but with a straight line like that, YDI.

goldspeck 0

quit fishing for compliments?

i think he was just trying to compliment your work lol, not calling you ugly, since he disagreed.

youthink_fml 0

He said "no". That's a compliment you imbecile.