By IntrepidPig - 10/04/2016 04:32 - United States - Albany

Today, I waited 7 hours for my mom to come home and give me my computer back. 15 minutes after she got home, I remembered that I had hidden my computer myself so she wouldn't take it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 827
You deserved it 19 876

IntrepidPig tells us more.

Hi guys. I have some explaining to do. First off, she thought she had taken my computer as well. She was looking for it when she got home, trying to remember where she put it. Now, when she got home, I decided to put my pajamas on. As I went in my clothes drawer, I wondered if I would hide it there, then I decided I would hide it behind my bookshelf instead. This triggered a memory of me deciding not to hide it behind my bookshelf because it would be too perfect, thus too obvious. I then remembered where I hid it, walked over with such a feeling of idiocy, and found it. I completely deserved this

Top comments

You shouldn't have hidden it so well...

crazy_bananas 31

The real question now is, why does your mom take away your computer?


I don't see why #1 is going negative while #10 is being up voted. I would like to think that Murphy's law and irony kind of co exist with one another

They can and sometimes do. The reason #1 is downvoted is because Murphy's Law is along the lines of "whatever can go wrong, will" - which doesn't apply here.

Upvoted simply because I don't think it's fair to get buried for a tiny error. Murphy's law wasn't the right saying in this situation, but we knew what she meant. She's obviously a bad person because she made a mistake and we're all infallible creatures, right?

Time to visit one of those memory help websites.

I was going to visit that site, but I forgot the URL. Google kept trying to find HDDs for me at competitive prices.

You shouldn't have hidden it so well...

OptimusSlime 23
joeyl2008 29

Sounds like you need the "Joe Johnson Memory System".

ABlindMan 17

Fun fact: There happens to be a button that says "You deserved it" that you can tap to tell the OP that they did indeed deserve what happened, hence making your comment completely unnecessary.

Sounds like something I would do. That's why you never let other people use your stuff

my parents tried to do this when I was younger except they only took the keyboard so I had a second one at my dads house that was hidden in the closet that I would plug in and sneak on at night.

Hi guys. I have some explaining to do. First off, she thought she had taken my computer as well. She was looking for it when she got home, trying to remember where she put it. Now, when she got home, I decided to put my pajamas on. As I went in my clothes drawer, I wondered if I would hide it there, then I decided I would hide it behind my bookshelf instead. This triggered a memory of me deciding not to hide it behind my bookshelf because it would be too perfect, thus too obvious. I then remembered where I hid it, walked over with such a feeling of idiocy, and found it. I completely deserved this

turdwrangler 18

Why did either of you hide it in the first place?

crazy_bananas 31

The real question now is, why does your mom take away your computer?

Maybe she needs it for part of her job and can't afford to buy her own?

DeadxManxWalking 27

why do you hide it from mom and why does she take it from you

Aerobic_Exorcism 13

Or maybe she takes it because OP uses it too much? I remember when I was little, my parents would do this all the time to my older brothers with most electronics.

xKrisSmoove 21

So where'd you hide it?!?!?

OP, you didn't want to clean your room and as such your computer was being taken away but you hid it so it wouldn't be taken away? If I did that, my mom would take more than my computer away. She would take my computer, phone, and kindle away while making me go to my room to clean...

Lmao, my phone was already taken away (probably for some other random reason) and I cleaned my room instantly after. I just kinda confiscated my computer myself because (wow I am gonna sound so dumb here) my mom sometimes forgets where she put it.

I like how it's still a secret where it's hidden like your mom is gonna read this.